Nascent Demand

The ‘Nas­cent De­mand’ Meth­od­o­logy, de­veloped by En­join, con­sists of a unique series of prac­tic­al ana­lyt­ic­al tools that un­cov­er hid­den and com­monly over­looked key drivers of con­sumer de­cisions. These sub­con­scious drivers are nor­mally non-verb­al­ized and can only be re­vealed through ana­lyt­ic­al in­ter­view tech­niques con­duc­ted by skilled re­search­ers with the act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion of the in­ter­viewees. In our one-on-one ses­sions, con­sumers di­vulge au­then­t­ic and deeply anchored be­liefs, at­ti­tudes and needs that are the true drivers of suc­cess for a ser­vice or product.

Rather than provid­ing snap­shots of as­sumed mo­tiv­a­tion­al drivers, or ini­tial/spon­tan­eous re­sponses, the En­join Meth­od­o­logy cre­ates a com­plete pic­ture of all drivers es­sen­tial to the suc­cess of a product or ser­vice. Act­ive con­sumer par­ti­cip­a­tion in the pro­cess co-cre­ates the out­come, thus as­sur­ing ab­so­lute au­then­ti­city that guar­an­tees the ac­cur­acy of the res­ults.

Ex­ist­ing hy­po­theses on product or ser­vice at­trib­utes are also checked by ex­pos­ing con­sumers to pro­to­types at the end of the in­ter­view ses­sion where the con­sumer is able to con­trast their de­veloped solu­tion to the pro­to­type fea­tures and ar­tic­u­late in more con­crete terms miss­ing or non-op­tim­al ele­ments.

The En­join Nas­cent De­mand Meth­od­o­logy has been used by glob­al brands to as­sure and/or op­tim­ize suc­cess­ful ac­cept­ance by con­sumers of a product or ser­vice. Without a full un­der­stand­ing of these es­sen­tial drivers, based on a com­plete pic­ture, there is a ser­i­ous risk of fail­ure or only par­tial ac­cept­ance of a product or ser­vice. The dis­tinct­ive in­sights gained by em­ploy­ing the Nas­cent De­mand Meth­od­o­logy provide the means to achiev­ing max­im­um con­sumer ac­cept­ance, the single most im­port­ant factor of suc­cess and op­tim­iz­a­tion.

Ex­per­i­ence and case stud­ies have proven that fail­ure to take in­to ac­count these hid­den drivers leads to an in­cor­rect un­der­stand­ing of the real factors that con­di­tion con­sumer re­sponses and ac­cept­ance of new products and ser­vices. Without veri­fi­able, em­pir­ic­al evid­ence of cus­tom­ers’ sub­con­scious per­cep­tions, overt evid­ence is of­ten mis­lead­ing or provides only par­tial or in­cor­rect per­cep­tions. Such a short­com­ing causes product, ser­vice, or mes­saging fea­tures to be either omit­ted or in­cor­rectly pri­or­it­ised, thus hinder­ing com­mer­cial suc­cess rates.

In con­trast, per­fect align­ment of con­sumer nas­cent de­mand with the mar­keted product, ser­vice and how value is com­mu­nic­ated, makes con­sumer ad­op­tion a nat­ur­al pro­cess.